iOS Development

Book Catalog Application

After learning a bit about the Swift programming language and it's use in creating apps for iOS, I decided to create an app that serves as a a sort of shopping catalog for books. It would allow for a user to create a profile, and browse through the books available on the app. The user can see the summary of the books, the price of each one, can add books to a favorites list, and view the included photos for each book. I used a a json file to contain the information about the books, as well as give each one a unique id that gets used in the Model Data and throughout the program. The app is interactive and allows the user to edit their information and their name, whether they would like to recieve notifications, and include a seasonal emoji (for fun).

In order to create a very organized layout, I separated out as many elements as possible into their own Swift file pages and subgroups:

Book Catalog Codespace

Below is a demonstration of the app working: